This project describes how to build a simple programmer for the Atmel ATmega8 single-chip microcontrollers. This should be considered a "hobby grade" programmer as it does not use a variable Vcc and uses the "Serial Programming Algorithm." The ATmega8 can be configured (through programmable fuses) to disable the Serial Programming mode. Once disabled, a parallel programmer is required to re-enable the serial programming fuse.
The programmer hardware consists of a 28 pin socket for the ATmega8 and a 14 pin header for connecting to the
SBC2's onboard 65C22. Please note that this can be adapted for use with any 65C22. The ATmega8 uses
5 pins for serial programming (in addition to Vcc and Gnd):
ATmega8 (DIP28) SBC2 65C22 (DIP40)
Port Pin Function Description J1 PIN PORT PB5 19 (sck) shift clock 5 11 PB1 PB4 18 (MISO) data output 3 12 PB2 PB3 17 (MOSI) data input 4 10 PB0 PC6 1 (/RES) /Reset 9 16 PB6 PB6 9 (CLK IN) External Clock 10 17 PB7
The Atmega8 requires a valid clock input during programming. If the fuses are set to use an external clock source, then one will need to be provided. I chose to use the 65C22 Timer 1 output through PB7 to supply the clock. This ensures a valid clock is always present. Therefore, we will use Port B of the 65C22 to access the Programmer.
This programmer should also work for other processors in the Atmel family.
Here is the programmer schematic:
Programming the ATmega8 is done by placing the part into RESET and applying serial commands and data to the data in pin while clocking the sck pin. Data read back from the part is clocked in on the data out pin.
There are commands to read and write program memory, EEPROM memory, and the configuration area (fuse bytes, lock bits, signature bytes, and calibration bytes). Since the AVR Development tools create an Intel-Hex formatted output file, I decided to incorporate a modified version of Ross Archer's "Intel Hex Downloader" which allows for seemless operation.
Here is the source code for the programmer:
;======================================================================= ; | ; SSSSSSS BBBBBB CCCCCC 222222 | ; S S B B C C 2 2 | ; SS B B C 2 | ; SSSS BBBBBBB C ======== 2 | ; SS B B C 2 | ; S S B B C C 2 | ; SSSSSSS BBBBBBB CCCCCCC 22222222 | ; | ;======================================================================= ;//******************************************************************// ;// Routine to program a ATMega8 using 5 lines from a 65C22 VIA // ;// By Daryl Rictor (c) Dec 19, 2003 // ;//******************************************************************// ; ; VIA - FUNCTION - ATMega8 ; PB0 - MISO - PB4 (ATM8 data out) ; PB1 - MOSI - PB3 (ATM8 data in) ; PB2 - SCK - PB5 ; PB6 - /RESET - PC6 ; PB7 - OSC in - PB6 (System Clock) ; ; This is a hobby-grade programmer using the LV serial programming algorithm. ; ; Program Data is loaded from $1000 - $2FFF (16 bits, lo, hi)) ; EEPROM data is loaded from $3000 - $31FF (8 bits) ; Memory Lock bits are loaded @ $3200 (6 bits) ; Fuse Lo Byte is loaded @ $3201 (8 bits) ; Fuse Hi Byte is loaded @ #3202 (8 bits) ; During compare cycles, data read from the ATMega8 is stored here: ; Program Data is loaded into $4000 - $5FFF (16 bits, lo, hi)) ; EEPROM data is loaded from $6000 - $61FF (8 bits) ; Memory Lock bits are loaded @ $6200 (6 bits) ; Fuse Lo Byte is loaded @ $6201 (8 bits) ; Fuse Hi Byte is loaded @ #6202 (8 bits) ; Signature & Calibration bytes are stored at $6203-$6209 (read only) ; $6203 <- Signature byte 1 ; $6204 <- Calibration byte 1MHz ; $6205 <- Signature byte 2 ; $6206 <- Calibration byte 2MHz ; $6207 <- Signature byte 3 ; $6208 <- Calibration byte 4MHz ; $6209 <- Calibration byte 8MHz ; ; ; MENU OPTIONS ; ; 1 - Write Flash Memory ; 2 - Compare Flash Memory (read back stored in $4000-$5FFF) ; 3 - Write EEPROM Data ; 4 - Compare EEPROM Data (read back stored in $6000-$61FF) ; 5 - Write Lock Bits and Fuse Data ; 6 - Compare Lock Bits and Fuse Data (read back stored in $6200-$6202) ; 8 - Fill Mem with $FF's ; 9 - Chip Erase Flash & EEPROM ; L - Do Intel Hex download (offset to $1000) ; Q - Quit ;//**************************************************************** ; VIA definitions ;//**************************************************************** Via1DDRB = $7F52 ; Data Direction Register B Via1PRB = $7F50 ; Port B Data Register Via1T1CL = $7F54 ; Timer 1 Latch High Via1T1CH = $7F55 ; Timer 1 Latch Low Via1ACR = $7F5B ; VIA Aux Control Reg DIN = $01 ; Port B - data in pin DOUT = $02 ; Port B - data out pin SCK = $04 ; Port B - clock pin RES = $40 ; Port B - /reset pin ;//**************************************************************** ; Zero Page Variables ;//**************************************************************** memptr = $30 ; 2 byte memory pointer shout = $32 ; 4 byte temp shift cmd out shin = $36 ; 4 byte temp shift cmd in ;addr = $3a ; 1 byte address pointer ;page = $3b ; 1 byte page pointer flag = $3c ; 1 byte flag variable spsav = $ee ; sav SP (restores stack on exit) ; needed by abort code in HEX upload cmd ;//**************************************************************** ; init code ;//**************************************************************** *= $0800 ; beginning of code tsx stx spsav ; save the stack pointer lda #$FE ; pin 0 input, all other outputs sta Via1DDRB ; lda #$C0 ; square wave out on PB7 sta Via1ACR ; provides a SBC Clk/4 square wave to ATM8 lda #$01 ; sta Via1T1CL ; low latch of counter lda #$00 ; sta Via1T1CH ; hi latch, begin counting ; ; set up T-1 to provide clock on PB7 ; jsr SetRES ; set ATM8 in RESET mode ;//**************************************************************** ; Main Program ;//**************************************************************** main ldx #$00 ; set display pointer prtmenu lda menudat,x beq getcmd jsr output ; print then command menu inx bra prtmenu getcmd jsr input ; wait for a keypress cmp #"Q" ; is it Q? bne getc1 jsr SetRES ; ensure ATM8 is reset rts ; exit program getc1 cmp #"1" ; is it 1? bne getc2 jsr wfm ; write flash program memory bra main getc2 cmp #"2" ; is it 2? bne getc3 jsr cfm ; compare flash program memory bra main getc3 cmp #"3" ; is it 3? bne getc4 jsr wem ; write EEPROM bra main getc4 cmp #"4" ; is it 4? bne getc5 jsr cem ; compare EEPROM bra main getc5 cmp #"5" ; is it 5? bne getc6 jsr wcd ; write config bytes bra main getc6 cmp #"6" ; is it 6? bne getc8 jsr ccd ; compare config bytes bra main getc8 cmp #"8" ; is it 9? bne getc9 ; jsr memfill ; fill flash & EEPROM with $FF's bra main getc9 cmp #"9" ; is it 9? bne getcL ; jsr erase ; remove code protection and erase ATM8 bra main getcL cmp #"L" ; is it L? bne getcmd ; no, not valid key jsr HexDnLd ; Do Intel Hex download bra main ;//**************************************************************** ; Write Flash Memory ;//**************************************************************** wfm jsr SetPRG ; set program mode stz memptr lda #$10 sta memptr+1 ldy #0 ; page # wfm1 ldx #0 ; byte # on page stz flag ; zero flag wfm2 lda (memptr) sta shout+3 inc memptr bne wfm3 inc memptr+1 wfm3 cmp #$FF ; is data $FF beq wfms1 ; yes, skip write inc flag ; no, mark write req wfms1 stz shout+1 txa lsr ; div byte by 2 = word sta shout+2 bcs wfm4 ; cc = low byte, cs=hi byte lda lpmdat bra wfm5 wfm4 lda lpmhdat wfm5 sta shout jsr SendCmd inx ; all 32 words done? cpx #64 ; 32 words per page = 64 bytes bne wfm2 ; no, get next lda #"." jsr output ; give progress lda flag ; yes; are all 32 words $FF? beq wfms2 ; yes, we can skip the page write too! lda wpmdata ; no, do page write sta shout tya lsr ror shout+2 lsr ror shout+2 lsr ror shout+2 sta shout+1 jsr SendCmd ; write page cmd lda #9 jsr delay_ms ; wait 9ms (double minimum time req) wfms2 iny cpy #128 ; last page? bne wfm1 jsr print_cr ; jsr SetRES ; done, Reset ATM8 rts ; done lpmdat .byte $40 lpmhdat .byte $48 wpmdata .byte $4C ;//**************************************************************** ; Compare Flash Memory ;//**************************************************************** cfm jsr SetPRG ; set program mode stz memptr lda #$40 sta memptr+1 ; start of read buffer ldx #0 ldy #0 ; reset counters cfm1 txa and #$1F bne cfm2 lda #"." jsr output ; give progress cfm2 lda rpmdat sta shout sty shout+1 stx shout+2 jsr SendCmd lda shin+3 sta (memptr) inc memptr bne cfm3 inc memptr+1 cfm3 lda rpmhdat sta shout sty shout+1 stx shout+2 jsr SendCmd lda shin+3 sta (memptr) inc memptr bne cfm4 inc memptr+1 cfm4 inx bne cfm1 iny cpy #$10 ; top of memory? bne cfm1 ; no jsr print_cr ; stz memptr stz shout lda #$10 sta memptr+1 lda #$40 ; init pointers for compare sta shout+1 cfm5 lda (memptr) cmp (shout) beq cfm6 tay ; save write byte lda (shout) ; save read byte jsr CompErr cfm6 inc memptr inc shout bne cfm7 inc memptr+1 inc shout+1 cfm7 lda memptr+1 cmp #$30 bne cfm5 jsr SetRES ; done, Reset ATM8 rts ; done rpmdat .byte $20 rpmhdat .byte $28 ;//**************************************************************** ; Write EEPROM Memory ;//**************************************************************** wem jsr SetPRG ; set PRG mode stz memptr lda #$30 sta memptr+1 ldy #0 ; ldx #0 ; reset counters wem1 txa and #$1F bne wem11 lda #"." jsr output ; give progress wem11 lda (memptr) cmp #$FF ; is data $FF beq wem2 ; yes, skip write sta shout+3 sty shout+1 stx shout+2 lda #$C0 ; write EEPROM Data command sta shout jsr SendCmd lda #14 jsr delay_ms ; wait 14ms (1.5x minimum time req) wem2 inc memptr bne wem3 inc memptr+1 wem3 inx bne wem1 iny cpy #$02 bne wem1 jsr print_cr ; jsr SetRES ; done, Reset ATM8 rts ; done ;//**************************************************************** ; Compare EEPROM Memory ;//**************************************************************** cem jsr SetPRG ; set PRG mode stz memptr lda #$60 sta memptr+1 ldy #0 ; ldx #0 ; reset counters cem1 txa and #$1F bne cem11 lda #"." jsr output ; give progress cem11 sty shout+1 stx shout+2 lda #$A0 ; Read EEPROM Data command sta shout jsr SendCmd lda shin+3 sta (memptr) cem2 inc memptr bne cem3 inc memptr+1 cem3 inx bne cem1 iny cpy #$02 bne cem1 stz memptr stz shout lda #$30 sta memptr+1 lda #$60 ; init pointers for compare sta shout+1 jsr print_cr ; ldx #0 ldy #0 cem4 lda (memptr) cmp (shout) beq cem5 tay lda (shout) jsr CompErr cem5 inc memptr inc shout bne cem6 inc memptr+1 inc shout+1 cem6 inx bne cem4 iny cpy #$02 bne cem4 jsr SetRES ; done, Reset ATM8 rts ; done ;//**************************************************************** ; Write Configuration Words ;//**************************************************************** wcd jsr SetPRG ; set PRG mode ldx #$03 wcd1 lda wlbdat,x sta shout,x dex bpl wcd1 lda $3200 ; lock bit source ora shout+3 ; lock bit dest sta shout+3 ; jsr SendCmd ; Write Lock Bits lda #10 jsr delay_ms ; wait 10ms ldx #$03 wcd2 lda wfdat,x sta shout,x dex bpl wcd2 lda $3201 ; fuse lo byte source ora shout+3 ; fuse lo byte dest sta shout+3 ; jsr SendCmd ; Write Fuse Lo bits cmd lda #10 jsr delay_ms ; wait 10ms ldx #$03 wcd3 lda wfhdat,x sta shout,x dex bpl wcd3 lda $3202 ; fuse hi byte source ora shout+3 ; fuse hi byte dest sta shout+3 ; jsr SendCmd ; Write Fuse Hi bits cmd lda #10 jsr delay_ms ; wait 10ms jsr SetRES ; done, Reset ATM8 rts ; done wlbdat .byte $AC, $FF, $FF, $C0 wfdat .byte $AC, $A0, $FF, $00 wfhdat .byte $AC, $A8, $FF, $00 ;//**************************************************************** ; Compare Configuration Words ;//**************************************************************** ccd jsr SetPRG ; set PRG mode ldx #$03 ccd1 lda clbdat,x sta shout,x dex bpl ccd1 jsr SendCmd ; read lock bits cmd lda shin+3 and #$3F ; mask 6 lsb's sta $6200 ; save lock byte ldx #$03 ccd2 lda cfdat,x sta shout,x dex bpl ccd2 jsr SendCmd ; read lock bits cmd lda shin+3 sta $6201 ; save lock byte ldx #$03 ccd3 lda cfhdat,x sta shout,x dex bpl ccd3 jsr SendCmd ; read lock bits cmd lda shin+3 sta $6202 ; save lock byte ldy #$00 ccd4 ldx #$03 cpy #$03 beq ccd6 ccd5 lda rdsig,x sta shout,x dex bpl ccd5 tya ora shout+2 sta shout+2 jsr SendCmd ; read signature bits cmd tya asl tax lda shin+3 sta $6203,x ; save signature byte ldx #$03 ccd6 lda rdcal,x sta shout,x dex bpl ccd6 jsr SendCmd ; read calibration bits cmd tya asl tax lda shin+3 sta $6204,x ; save calibration byte iny cpy #$04 bne ccd4 ; get 4 calibration bytes ldx #$00 stz memptr+1 ; for address print on error ccd7 lda $3200,x cmp $6200,x beq ccd8 stx memptr tay lda $6200,x jsr CompErr ; print error message ccd8 inx cpx #$03 bne ccd7 jsr SetRES ; done, Reset ATM8 rts ; done clbdat .byte $58, $00, $00, $00 cfdat .byte $50, $00, $00, $00 cfhdat .byte $58, $08, $00, $00 rdsig .byte $30, $00, $00, $00 rdcal .byte $38, $00, $00, $00 ;//**************************************************************** ; erase - Unprotect and erase the ATM8 ;//**************************************************************** erase jsr SetPRG ; set PRG mode lda #$AC ; Chip Erase byte 1 sta shout lda #$80 ; Chip Erase byte 2 sta shout+1 jsr SendCmd ; do chip erase lda #10 jsr delay_ms ; wait 10ms jsr SetRES ; reset the ATM8 rts ; done ;//**************************************************************** ; MemFill - fill FLASH & EEPROM mem with $FF's ;//**************************************************************** MemFill stz memptr lda #$10 sta memptr+1 lda #$FF ldy #$0 memfill1 sta (memptr),y dey bne memfill1 inc memptr+1 ldx memptr+1 cpx #$32 ; top? bne memfill1 rts ;################################################################### ; ; Subroutines ; ;################################################################### ;//**************************************************************** ; sendcmd - send a programming command to the ATM8 ;//**************************************************************** sendcmd phx ; save x reg ldx #32 ; # of bits to shift Sendlp asl shout+3 rol shout+2 rol shout+1 rol shout ; shift 4 byte cmd left lda #DOUT eor #$FF ; mask out DOUT bit and Via1PRB ; with PORT A bcc send1 ora #DOUT ; if carry set, raise DOUT bit send1 sta Via1PRB ; ora #SCK ; Raise SCK nop ; pause sta Via1PRB ; send data to ATM8 nop ; pause lda Via1PRB ; get dat from ATM8 (read from Bit 0) lsr ; move into Carry flag rol shin+3 rol shin+2 rol shin+1 rol shin ; shift 4 byte data in from ATM8 lda #SCK ; eor #$FF ; mask out SCK bit and Via1PRB ; from PORT A sta Via1PRB ; SCK pin=0 dex bne Sendlp ; do it 32 times lda #DOUT ora #SCK eor #$FF ; mask out DOUT & SCK bits and Via1PRB sta Via1PRB ; ensure DOUT & SCK are low on exit plx ; restore x reg rts ; 32 bits shifted out and 32 bits shifted in ;//**************************************************************** ; delay_ms - delay milliseconds in A reg ;//**************************************************************** delay_ms phx ; phy ; 1MHz clk = $01C0 delayms1 ldy #$02 ; 2MHz clk = $0288 ldx #$88 ; 4MHz clk = $0416 delayms2 dex ; 8MHz clk = $0734 bne delayms2 ; 10MHz clk = $08C3 dey ; 14MHz clk = $0BE0 bne delayms2 dec bne delayms1 ply plx rts ;//**************************************************************** ; Compare Error ;//**************************************************************** CompErr phx ; save x reg pha ; outputs error message ldx memptr lda memptr+1 ; formatted as such: jsr print2byte ; AAAA:RR - WW lda #":" ; jsr output ; AA=address (from memptr) pla ; RR=data read from ATM8 (Acc Reg) jsr print1byte ; WW=data written (from Y reg) lda #"-" jsr output tya jsr print1byte ldx #$00 Cerr lda Cerrtxt,x beq Cerr1 jsr output inx bra Cerr Cerr1 plx ; restore x reg rts ; done Cerrtxt .byte " - BYTE MISMATCH", $0d, $0a, $00 ;//**************************************************************** ; SetRES - Set the ATM8 into RESET mode ;//**************************************************************** SetRES lda #$00 sta Via1PRB ; set ATM8 into RESET mode lda #RES ; raise /RES (run mode) sta Via1PRB ; set ATM8 into RUN mode ldx #$20 ; SetR1 dex bne SetR1 ; pause 128 clocks lda #$00 ; lower /RES sta Via1PRB ; set ATM8 into RESET mode rts ;//**************************************************************** ; SetPGM - Set the ATM8 into PROGRAM mode ;//**************************************************************** SetPRG lda #25 jsr delay_ms ; wait for 25ms ldx #$03 SetP1 lda prgdata,x sta shout,x ; set up command DWORD dex bpl Setp1 jsr SendCmd ; execute it lda shin+2 cmp #$53 ; did byte 3 come back as $53? beq Setp6 ; yes, good cmd ldx #$0 ; no, failed to enter PRG mode Setp2 lda prgbad,x beq Setp3 jsr output inx bra Setp2 Setp3 ; pla ; pla ; pop return address from stack rts ; go back to main program Setp6 ldx #prggood-prgbad ; PRG mode Passed Setp7 lda prgbad,x beq Setp8 jsr output inx bra Setp7 Setp8 rts prgdata .byte $AC, $53, $00, $00 prgbad .byte "PRG MODE FAILED.", $0d, $0a, $00 prggood .byte "PRG MODE PASSED.", $0d, $0a, $00 ;//**************************************************************** ; Menudat - Programming Menu text ;//**************************************************************** menudat .byte $0d, $0a .byte "Flash Memory", $0d, $0a .byte " 1 - Write", $0d, $0a .byte " 2 - Compare", $0d, $0a .byte "EEPROM Data", $0d, $0a .byte " 3 - Write", $0d, $0a .byte " 4 - Compare", $0d, $0a .byte "Configuration Data", $0d, $0a .byte " 5 - Write", $0d, $0a .byte " 6 - Compare", $0d, $0a .byte " 8 - Fill Mem w/$FF", $0d, $0a .byte " 9 - Chip Erase ATMega8", $0d, $0a .byte "(L)oad Intel Hex File", $0d, $0a m0 .byte "(Q)uit Program", $0d, $0a, $0d, $0a, $00 ;//**************************************************************** ; Jump Table into the SBC Monitor's Jump Table ;//**************************************************************** output jmp $e824 ; send to SBC output port input jmp $e821 ; wait for chr from SBC input port scan jmp $e81e ; get chr from SBC input port (no wait) print_cr jmp $e803 ; print CR-LF to SBC output port print2sp jmp $e809 ; print 2 spaces print1sp jmp $e806 ; print 1 space print1byte jmp $e812 ; print one byte (AA) to SBC output port print2byte jmp $e815 ; print one word (AAXX) to SBC output port ;//**************************************************************** ; END ;//**************************************************************** ;//**************************************************************** ; Ross Archer's Intel Hex downloader added to reduce steps ;//**************************************************************** ; add an Intel-Hex Downloader to get program code for target ATM8 ; I'm using Ross Archer's code, with slight modifications to use ; some of the SBC's commands. ; ; zero page variables (Its ok to stomp on the monitor's zp vars) ; ; reclen = $39 ; record length in bytes chksum = $3A ; record checksum accumulator start_lo = $3b start_hi = $3c rectype = $3d dlfail = $3e ; flag for upload failure temp = $3f ; save hex value strptr = $40 strptrh = $41 ; temporary string pointer (not preserved across calls) ; ; tables and constants ; CR = 13 LF = 10 ESC = 27 ; ESC to exit HexDnLd jsr print_cr lda #0 sta dlfail ;Start by assuming no D/L failure HdwRecs jsr GetSer ; Wait for start of record mark ':' cmp #":" bne HdwRecs ; not found yet ; Start of record marker has been found IHex jsr GetHex ; Get the record length sta reclen ; save it sta chksum ; and save first byte of checksum jsr GetHex ; Get the high part of start address sta start_hi clc adc chksum ; Add in the checksum sta chksum ; jsr GetHex ; Get the low part of the start address sta start_lo clc adc chksum sta chksum clc lda #$10 adc start_hi sta start_hi ; adjust storage base jsr GetHex ; Get the record type sta rectype ; & save it clc adc chksum sta chksum lda rectype bne HdEr1 ; end-of-record ldx reclen ; number of data bytes to write to memory ldy #0 ; start offset at 0 HdLp1 jsr GetHex ; Get the first/next/last data byte sta (start_lo),y ; Save it to RAM clc adc chksum sta chksum ; iny ; update data pointer dex ; decrement count bne HdLp1 jsr GetHex ; get the checksum clc adc chksum bne HdDlF1 ; If failed, report it ; Another successful record has been processed lda #"#" ; Character indicating record OK = '#' jsr output jmp HdwRecs ; get next record HdDlF1 lda #"F" ; Character indicating record failure = 'F' sta dlfail ; upload failed if non-zero jsr output jmp HdwRecs ; wait for next record start HdEr1 cmp #1 ; Check for end-of-record type beq HdEr2 cmp #2 beq HdwRecs ; skip this type lda #>MsgUnknownRecType ldx #upload has failed jsr Print1Byte ; print it jsr print_cr jmp HdwRecs ; We've reached the end-of-record record HdEr2 jsr GetHex ; get the checksum clc adc chksum ; Add previous checksum accumulator value beq HdEr3 ; checksum = 0 means we're OK! lda #>MsgBadRecChksum ldx # MsgUploadFail ldx # MsgUploadOK ldx # 255 PrintStrAXX1 pla tay rts ; ; Checksum messages ; MsgUnknownRecType .byte CR,LF,CR,LF .byte "Unknown record type $" .byte 0 ; null-terminate every string MsgBadRecChksum .byte CR,LF,CR,LF .byte "Bad record checksum!" .byte 0 ; Null-terminate MsgUploadFail .byte CR,LF,CR,LF .byte "Upload Failed",CR,LF .byte "Aborting!" .byte 0 ; null-terminate every string or crash'n'burn MsgUploadOK .byte CR,LF,CR,LF .byte "Upload Successful!" .byte 0 ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; END OF PROGRAM ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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